It was a mindfuck at the age of 31 to realize not only that I had a sexual orientation I’d never heard of, but also that this orientation was the most common cause of transsexualism. I didn’t think it was fair that knowledge which could help me make sense of my feelings was hidden from me. In addition, covering up the existence of an orientation that millions of people experience didn’t seem like a stable solution that could persist indefinitely. Eventually the truth would come out.

I wanted my kind to understand themselves, and ideally in a way that didn’t make them feel icky and ashamed after learning the truth. I set out to write a book toward this end. After a couple years of intense focus, Autoheterosexual emerged.

Since the book’s release, I’ve begun recording interviews—Autohetero Files—with self-aware autoheterosexuals so that our stories reach a wider audience. I want newly self-aware autoheterosexuals to be able to see themselves in others and feel less alone as a result. We may all collectively benefit from our individual efforts to transcend shame and fear, and step into the light of truth.

If you believe in this mission, there are several ways to help. Rate and review Autoheterosexual, and share the PDF with people! Share links to Autohetero Files interviews (YouTube | Substack). When you see someone trying to understand their gender feelings who seems autoheterosexual, share some of these links with them (discrete sharing via DMs is typically optimal). And if you can lend financial support to my efforts, I will gratefully accept it.

-Phil Illy

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Spreading knowledge about sexuality, gender, and transgenderism in order to implement the etiological paradigm of transgenderism


Author of Autoheterosexual: Attracted to Being the Other Sex, a book that comprehensively describes the most common kind of transgenderism.